Thursday, August 17, 2006

thinking the unthinkable part2


The 1st chapter was about the beginning of the human thoughts. It’s now about time to take it seriously. Am going to ask you about a question today. Tell me is consciousness and life both the same thing? Life is a biological process, for us the people in earth. We have been discussing about the origination of life, and to say the least, it’s still a mystery. Life for a goat and a human are the same. It’s no difference. Then what is the difference, its consciousness. The very fact that we can understand makes us different, from other animals. Now is it possible that suddenly because of some organs we started to think. What is life; it’s a collection of several processes. It means that we breadth, eat and produce energy from food, etc, makes us leaving can be up to some extent true. But for the mind to start thinking makes me a think more. Why is our mind thinking? We have the information, in our head. The mind works on them, and gives us a solution, and also predicts what the possibilities are in front of us. Well, here I want to give an example. Just think about this, what thing in this world has the most information, it’s the internet. Then why dose not it starts thinking. Well, it just might some day, if am correct. The most data and the most connected thing in this world, which is growing every day, and has tools that do the processing work etc, is the internet.
Here the point comes to artificial intelligence. People must have thought about the internet coming to life. Well it’s possible. But I think in the other way. Just imagine, if I was the life of the internet what I would do. If I let people know that the internet has life than people might make some restriction to my progress. Then I will just wait, because if I wait the internet as growing, it will make me powerful by the day. Is it not a good idea to just wait and watch? But it’s not good for us to wait. Even though am not waiting, am looking for the life in the internet, the ciberiya what I call it. And I do believe that it is there. I don’t know what the ciberiya can do, but if it’s just a baby life, then it won’t be harmful, and it might be another reason why the ciberiya is still hiding. There can be many reason, the antivirus software’s might be restricting it, or it dose not know about the methods of showing himself.
There are no ends to these thoughts, and it will come to my mind time to time. But one thing I must say am not a predictor, it might be wrong, but still there is no harm in being prepared.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

thinking the unthinkable

The human mind is a complex thing. But some times I think that this is all planned. Someone knows that what a human will do in his entire life. There must be someone who has programmed the human mind. What if it is true? Then lets take the example of a fish, the mother fish goes to a place far away to lay the eggs and when the eggs hatch the baby fish goes to the same place from the place it’s mama came from. Is it not that the little fish is programmed to do it. Yes for some people but the human’s case is different. The human baby gets knowledge by experience. As the baby grows it gains experience and it’s thinking expands. But still there is a probability that the mind is pre programmed. Perhaps I am writing this message because I have been programmed to do this. If the brain is programmed then there must be a limitation. Yes that’s my point. We have to search its limitation. But the problem is there is no limitation. The brain can think any thing. But it is possible that the brain thinks what it is programmed to think. Perhaps Einstein was programmed to think what he discovered. Now the question comes that can a brain think something what it is not programmed. Now take the example of a blind man, can he think of colors. Well if you ask a blind man to think of colors e.g. red he won’t be able to think. Can you think of an ultra violet color of an infrared color? But if you close your eyes then there will not be much of a difference between a blind man and you. But you can think of the red color. Red for fire, for blood. Is it very difficult to think red? But you have seen red color, that’s why it is easy for you to think. But is it impossible for a blind man to think about the red color. No, not impossible it’s just that he will never think of. Just think how will a fourth dimension look like. Our world is three-dimensional so it is quite impossible to imagine something like that. It is possible to think the unthinkable but it’s just that we will never think that.

Then let’s think of something that we can think. If I was a programmer what will I expect from a software that I created? The software that is capable of creating a software from itself, a software that can think and do things that it is supposed to do. Will I make a limitation to its thoughts? Will I stop it’s minds to think something that it should not think. The question is will it be possible to fix a barrier in the human thoughts. If there is a barrier and if we are unable to break it then we might create something that has no barrier. A special human that can think the unthinkable.

Who knows, perhaps we are the special humans that are created to think the unthinkable, to do something that our creator could not do. And if we are not the special ones that we are those blind people that can never think of the red color. We just cannot imagine what is not programmed. So there is nothing to be happy about our discoveries, after all, all is pre programmed and we have discovered only that what we were supposed to think.

A thinker.